Issue with website whitelisting on managed iOS Devices

Satish Shetty Updated by Satish Shetty

Issue Overview:

End users may be unable to access whitelisted websites on iOS devices that are managed by Codeproof's MDM/UEM web content filtering policy. For example, despite whitelisting ',' an error message may appear stating, 'You cannot browse this page at "" because it is restricted'.

Device Details:

Model: iPad

Affected iOS Versions: 16.4.1+

Issue Description:

On an iOS supervised device, customers who enable the website whitelisting feature in Safari are not able to access the allowed websites. For example, if you enable the content filtering policy in Codeproof and add '' to the allowed whitelist, end users may still face issues when trying to access We were able to replicate this issue on a test device running iOS 16.7.1. Disabling 'Content Filtering' policy resolved the issue, allowing the page to load as expected.

Troubleshooting Steps Performed:

We updated our test device to the latest iOS version, 17.0.2, and confirmed that access to allowed website was restored.


We recommend that customers update their iOS software to version 17.0.2, where Apple has fixed this issue.

website blocking in iOS Safari browser

Additional Notes:

This issue seems to originate from Apple and has been resolved in their most recent iOS update. We suggest updating to the latest iOS version to ensure a smooth user experience with the Codeproof platform.

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