Android Q Background Location Permission Error on Moto E5 and Moto G

Satish Shetty Updated by Satish Shetty

Known Issue: Android Q Background Location Permission Error on Moto E5 and Moto G

The Codeproof DPC app is facing an issue with acquiring the ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION permission on Android Q (Android 10, API level 29). The Motorola team has acknowledged the issue and is working towards a fix for Moto E5. Without this permission properly selected for Codeproof MDM app, the live location tracking feature in Codeproof will not function.

IT Administrators can view a "permission failed" error in the device activity log of the Codeproof console.


Android 10 introduces a new location permission, ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION, which offers improved transparency and control over background location access. In contrast to Android 9 and earlier versions, where apps could track a device's location in the background without the user's knowledge, Android 10 provides a background location access reminder. Users can choose between "Allow all the time," "Allow only while using the app," or "Deny" location access permission, giving them greater control over their device's location information.

The below screenshot displays the fully enabled background location permission settings for the Codeproof MDM app, with the selected option being "Allow all the time".


Upgrading the Android device to Android 11 is a potential solution to the issue.

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