Cyber Remote - Secured Remote Access

Satish Shetty Updated by Satish Shetty

Codeproof Cyber Remote® is a comprehensive remote access solution for Android, macOS, and Windows devices, ensuring secure and seamless connectivity. With Cyber Remote, IT administrators can remotely access device screens directly from the Codeproof Cloud Console using any browser. Admins can perform a range of remote actions, including tapping on the screen, launching apps, inputting data, and using gesture controls, all from the Codeproof console. This makes device support and troubleshooting efficient, intuitive, and effective.

Android Cyber Remote Setup

  1. On Android, Install the Codeproof Remote Access app in the end-user device.
  2. Ask the end-user to grant the "Accessibility Permissions" to the Codeproof Remote Access app, as illustrated below.
  3. Take control of the device and assist the end-user in training, troubleshooting etc

Cloud Console Access

Access the device screen directly from Cyber Remote Cloud Console using any web browser.

Cyber Remote for Android

Android Device Side Setup

Launch the Codeproof Remote Access app and then grant the Accessibility Permissions to Codeproof Remote Access app, as shown below.

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